Gnome on the Range

Seventh Day of Owlbear Moon, Year of the Knife
Carrier Hawk Memorandum from Loremaster Walaka
To Sir Sveinn of Hilltop, Paladin Emeritus of Toesch

Preliminary report, Incident 1105

The new party of operatives, after taking care of the skeleton troop threatening the northern exurbs, was dispatched by Thor to eliminate the threat of threat of the Gnomish Illusionist Gruenwald, whose organization of the Gnomish thieves had become a threat to the peace of security (not to mention the balance of power) in the Tablelands and Greater Toesch¹.

The party engaged the Gnomish forces in a underground complex not far from Heavenstair. In heated hand-to-hand and room-to-room combat, they forced they way through the tunnels, encountering and neutralizing several fighters and clerics before making their way to Gruenwald's inner sanctum. There, the Evoker Nyro displayed tremendous courage in leaping through a curtain of fire to dispatch Gruenwald with a fireball. The thief Samael was hot on his heels, after having cut a swathe through the gnomish defenses with his blades. Confessor Kahlan once again stayed in the thick of battle to support the party, and the strange druid apparently spent most of the engagement shapeshifted into a bear, bloodying the enemy with tooth and claw.

After killing or routing the gnome defenses, the party defeated a series of death traps to uncover Gruenwald's treasure room itself. They allowed themselves loot within league protocols, secured some funds to compensate the northern farmers for their recent losses, and returned to league stores a significant amount of battlefield pillage comprising weapons both knightly and Orcish.

However the most significant battle prize was the diary of the Illusionist Gruenwald, which provided some significant information regarding recent military developments in the Tablelands. A full report will be on its way forthwith.

¹ Ref. LSSR Intelligence Report 55.313

Personal Note:

Forgive the extra message that I know will seem redundant when you get my executive summary and official report, but I needed an excuse to use the official hawks and send this personal note. That diary had some extraordinary information in it concerning the skeleton attacks, that was revealed to the party and to Thor as well before it came to my attention. It seems that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree: C.P. has apparently been up to the same tricks that his father, Cuthbert rest his soul, thought to employ all those years ago - and I don't need to remind you how that turned out. I think this may have been discovered soon enough for it to be nipped in the bud with sufficient damage control. I hope that I won't have to entreat you to leave your dacha to make an appearance at Council. Wish me luck - this behind-the-scenes maneuvering is never pleasant.

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